I am a writer?
Hasn’t it been forever since I uploaded a blog?
With the first year of lockdown in 2020 came ample time for us to sit with our thoughts and let them consume us. With anger, rage, love, and conflict pouring out of my heart, I wrote. I wrote often and I wrote a lot. I gave myself the deal to upload a new blog once a month, and boy, I stuck with it. But then, like every other passing cloud, a pandemic also had to pass away, and though we couldn’t completely recover from the trauma that covid caused, we learned to live with it.
Life got busy again, with offline classes, deadlines to meet and classrooms to run to. Hobbies took the back seat, and sitting with your thoughts and being mindful… well, I guess buried deep below.
But here’s the deal, I am a writer. Well, I’m trying to manifest it at least. Writing about this makes several insecurities pop up. "I might not be as good as my mates", "I could not be the best", and that you’d probably share this with your friends for a good laugh.
But why I'd still try to do this you ask? Why I'd rather make a fool out of myself than do nothing at all? What changed is my answer, to this question - if you could go back to your first-year self and give her a piece of advice, what would it be? And my answer was – “I’d tell her to be more confident and realise that nobody here expects you to know anything. So ask that teacher for your stupidest doubt and be your honest self. You’d rather want to be known as the person who grew the most than the one who tried too hard to be the smartest from the beginning”
With this in mind, I’ll listen to myself for once and take the advice I had to give myself, because it’s not too late, right? So, here I am, trying again to start writing, to be consistent and to fall in love with this hobby all over again. Partially also waiting to not call writing a hobby.
I hope I’ll see you here, reading what’s on my mind, taking my opinions with a grain of salt, criticising me, questioning me, and most of all, cheering me along for what is to come.
PS: I am a literature student who tends to be overly dramatic sometimes. Ignore the pinch of romanticisation of the past and the tad bit dramatisation of my life.
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