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Remember me, don't let it make you cry

In one of our undergraduate classes, we were having a discussion about the biggest fears that we have. As we all shared ours, my teacher (one of the people who inspires me the most) spoke about his fear of being forgotten. It is almost as if the last piece of the puzzle fit, or as Aristotle would call it, anagnorisis (if this was a play or a novel). I realized how much one’s fear shapes the person they are to be. I also learned how many people share this fear of being forgotten and never seem to come to terms with the mortality of memory. It is this recurrent phenomenon that Forget Me Not: Making peace with the fear of being forgotten talks about.  Athazagoraphobia is the fear of being forgotten. The writing talks about the Egyptian belief in the ‘second death,’ which occurs when the memory of somebody completely fades away. Memory is, in so many ways, crucial to all of us. It is more about the fear of not being remembered than the fear of being forgotten. The question of legacy, or w

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